World Cup

“Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” – 1 Timothy 4:7-8 ESV
Football (soccer in America) is a popular sport worldwide. For the first time, Qatar is hosting the World Cup. KSA’s team, the Green Falcons, qualified to play this year. Saudi Arabia was the considerable underdog in their first match against Argentina. The Green Falcons astounded everyone, including the Argentina team, and won 2-1. In the aftermath of this momentous victory, celebrations broke out all over Saudi Arabia, and the government declared the following day a national holiday. Saudis were eager to post on social media about how they were ‘proud to belong to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’. The Green Falcons got knocked out of the World Cup with two losses after their surprising success.
As Saudis celebrate this temporal achievement, they don’t know that Jesus has already won an eternal triumph for them. The only way that they can achieve everlasting victory is by knowing the Victor, Jesus Christ.
Prayer points:
Pray that God would use this temporary victory to spark conversations amongst Saudis about Jesus’ eternal victory over death.
Pray that believers have opportunities to share the hope they have found in Jesus Christ with the people of KSA.