
Viewpoint: Situated in northwestern Saudi Arabia, Tabuk was once an important stop along ancient trade routes, and later the pilgrimage route between the Levant and Mecca/Medina. The city and its surrounding area contain numerous historical sites and inscriptions, which are associated with ancient peoples as well as Arab and Ottoman societies. A nearby oasis called Tayma is mentioned in the Old Testament and was home to a Jewish community for centuries.
Today Tabuk is home to about 500,000 people, of whom around 75% are Saudi. As a regional capital, it hosts a university with about 10,000 students. As it was in the past, Tabuk remains a popular stop for travelers between Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Saudis also visit Tabuk Region for its beaches, wadis, rock formations, and occasional winter snow.
Prayer Points: Pray that God will bring spiritual awakening to Tabuk’s people, revealing a true picture of God and His Story leading up to Jesus. Ask that God will bring more Christ-followers to Tabuk. Pray that believers, both resident and non-resident, will have greater access to Tabuk and its people, and will clearly share the message of Jesus. Pray that Tabuk will become a hub for the “Gospel route” throughout Saudi Arabia. Ask that the message of Jesus will be proclaimed and received in Tabuk, then spread from there to surrounding areas.
Map from Wikipedia
Viewpoint and prayer points adapted from PTAP/Love Saudis material