
“By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter, choosing rather to be mistreated with the people of God than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.”

Hebrews 11:24-25 ESV

Viewpoint: Eden* had one of her neighbors over for tea. Eden knew that her neighbor was a Christian, and from what she could tell, her neighbor was a good person. Eden and her daughter were both enjoying the visit. Then, the conversation changed, and they began discussing the prophet, Moses. Eden knew about Moses and what had happened to him when he was young. Eden had many questions; she was surprised that this story was in the Bible.

“Your story sounds very similar to the one in the Quran. Was Moses put in a basket; was he raised by his family? Pharaoh was Jewish, right?” Eden asked.

“Yes, the story of Moses’ life is in the Bible,” Eden’s friend told her. “Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. Later in Moses’ life, what he did point toward Jesus.”

Eden and her daughter quickly answered that God is one and has no children.

“I agree, there is only one God!” said Eden’s friend. “He is so big and powerful that if He wanted to, He could even become human. He could even die on the cross for our sins.”

Many Arabians think they know what is in the Bible, but few have ever read it. They learn that the Bible was changed. Yet, some are curious about what is in the Bible.

Prayer points: Pray for the people of Arabia to meet followers of Jesus and desire to learn what is in the Bible and read it for themselves. Pray for the Spirit to open their hearts and minds to the Truth.

*Name changed and story based on actual conversations.