Losing Family

And if it is evil in your
eyes to serve the Lord,
choose this day whom
you will serve, whether
the gods your fathers
served in the region
beyond the River, or the
gods of the Amorites in
whose land you dwell.
But as for me and my
house, we will serve the
Lord. – Joshua 24:15 ESV
Viewpoint: Aziz is a young Saudi believer. When he came to faith, he often felt alone because he was the only believer in his family. However, once his parents found out about his new faith, things became even worse. They put him out of the family home and disowned him. Aziz also lost his university scholarship and was unable to get a job. After agonizing about what to do, he fled to a Western country. But Aziz does not fit into the culture in the West, where Saudis are not accepted or trusted. He is even more alone than ever. Aziz has little chance of reconciling or sharing his faith with his family. Aziz is heartbroken when he thinks of never being able to tell his father of Jesus’ love.
Prayer Point: Family relationships are central in Saudi Arabia. Without family connections, life is difficult there. Ask God to provide protection, boldness, and wisdom for individual believers so that they can share with their families. Pray that whole families will hear the Good News that Jesus brings and come to faith together.