
“For God gave us a spirit
not of fear but of power
and love and self-
2Timothy 1:7 ESV
Viewpoint: “I want to believe, but I can’t.” For Saudis considering the Gospel, fear can be a powerful obstacle to taking the step of faith. Aisha has been studying the Bible with a Christ-follower for some time. She understands the Gospel and even acknowledges it to be true. But she is afraid to give her life to Christ because she knows the cost could be very high for her, “If I lived in a country with religious freedom,” she tells her Christian friend, “then I could follow Jesus. But here, I’m not free to believe in Him.”
Prayer points: Pray that the Holy Spirit will move in the hearts of Saudi seekers, and their “head knowledge” of the Gospel will become “heart knowledge.” Ask the Lord to convince them that following Jesus is worth the cost and that He will replace fear with courage to place their faith in Him.